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TTi has insured with VERO for over 18 years. Last year, we had a visit from a VERO risk assessment inspector for the first time. He went through our whole factory with a fine-tooth comb, asked a lot of questions and made us realise that although we thought we had most things under control, we actually could have been doing things a whole lot better. When he left, we felt that if we were to have a catastrophe, the was no way that VERO would stand behind us and cover our loss.

Risk Management Recognition from VERO

We immediately attended to his suggested improvements. You can imagine our surprise when we received a nomination from VERO to apply for a risk management award in their national RM Advancer program, a prestigious recognition for companies who VERO consider as examples of entities who take risk management seriously.

Competing against many recognised companies Australia-wide, we didn’t believe there was any virtue even taking the time to answer the deep, challenging questions in the application. Our broker encouraged us to do it – and we did!

few months passed and we received notification that we had been selected as one of the finalists in the small-medium category and that we were invited to attend the award ceremony where the winners would be announced.

The day arrived and Andre Buchner, the TTi Director attended the presentation ceremony. The winners in each category were announced and applauded. TTi was not one of them.

The MC then said:- “ And now, we have a special announcement. The judges were exceptionally impressed with one of the small-medium business entries and have decided to create a Special Commendation Award which is presented to Trans Tank International in recognition of their enthusiasm, passion they exude and the culture they are developing for risk management within their organisation.”

This was a truly outstanding achievement for a relatively small regional business.

The award included national recognition on the VERO website, 100 000 QANTAS Frequent Flyer points, a free editorial in the QANTAS inflight magazinefree risk management consultations from VERO and a video shoot of the entire TTi operation.

Risk Management is a journey which has no defined destination. TTi is on the road of continual improvement. Join us… the rewards are exceptional.


Contact Us at 1800 816 277 or at sales@tti.com.au